Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Prok covers recent Metaverse events

A "weblog" or "blog" was originally a way to keep a record of interesting links that one found cruising the Internet. In this post I keep a record of Prokofy Neva's recent coverage of some virtual world events.

Prokofy and the MacArthur Avatar Rights event (January 28)

"Considering Civil Liberties," held in Second Life on 28 January 2008, was the second event in the MacArthur Series on Philanthropy and Virtual Worlds. An overview is presented here:


The following is Prokofy's post about the event:


Prokofy continued with the following post, which includes the backchat:


Prokofy and the Game Developers Conference (February 18-22)

The Game Developers Conference was held in San Francisco on February 18-22, as described on the GDC website:


Prokofy's first piece dealing with the Game Developer's Conference (GDC) was a critique of Raph Koster's speech:


Prokofy then did a piece dealing with Jane McGonigal's presentation at the same GDC:


Raph later mentioned Prokofy's dispute with McGonigal on his own blog:


Prokofy and the MacArthur Credibility event (February 29)

A discussion of "Credibility and Reputation in the New News" was held in Second Life on February 29 as part of the MacArthur program on Philanthropy and Virtual Worlds. The planned event is described here:


The following is Prokofy's account of the event:


Prokofy also wrote the following long reply to a comment by Tony Curzon Price concerning this event:


Prokofy on the SXSW Conference (March 7-11)

The SXSW Interactive Conference took place in Austin, Texas on March 7-11, as described on the official website:


Prokofy reacted to the trashing of Sarah Lacey by the audience during her interview of Facebook's Zuckerberg:


Bartle at Metanomics (March 11) and Lumley's Prokofy happening

Information on Richard Bartle's March 11 Metanomics talk can be found at these Metanomics pages (note Prokofy's comments in the first link):



Prokofy wrote the following post responding to Bartle's talk:


Prokofy' post provoked the following reaction on the part of Scott Jennings aka Lum Lumley:


This post was answered with 439 comments, a "wall of text." Lum closed it and opened a second post on the same theme, which drew an additional 185 comments, before being closed in its turn:


In addition to contributing comments, Prokofy responded to Lum in the following posts on his blog (the first deals mostly with Bloomfield's admonishments concerning Prokofy's role in the backchat of the event):



The Lumley event was also mentioned by Raph in his post about virtual reality, and the debate continues in the comments to that post:


Prokofy and CMT Life 2.0 (March 15-21)

The CMT company held their Life 2.0 event in Second Life on March 15-21, as described on the official website of the event:


The first event was on "Open Source, IPPI (IP and Privacy/Identity) in Virtual Worlds," held on the CMT sims in Second Life on March 16, as described here:


Prokofy covered the event in this post:


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Different User Names

I have discovered by accident that the one variable that you cannot change in Blogger is the user name, and that this is the email address you first give.

I made "Danton's Other Blog" starting with Danton's yahoo email address. I originally made Danton's main blog Virtual Jungle with a real-life email address.

Since I cannot change either of these user names, I cannot show the two blogs on the same user profile. But maybe that is just as well. I think I'd rather keep this site out of the limelight. But then why call it "Danton's Other Site"?

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Widget Heaven

The main blog of Danton Sideways is at http://dantonsideways.blogspot.com. That is where I post serious articles that I hope other Second Life residents will read.

This blog here is for fooling around with, to learn more about Blogger, RSS, widgets and such. It may also serve as a more informal record about things I stumble across. It is all up in the air for now. Anything goes: this is my "other" blog.